Spiritmorph Studio- fine art by roxanne r. amico Interact with roxanne on her blog Spiritmorph Studio Gallery Roxanne's statement Contact roxanne Roxanne's links Media Support Us!

Links to artists, writers, and activists whose work I recommend for creative resistance against economic and cultural deprivation of cvilization....

Art and Activism:

http://resistdonotcomply.org/ - Nikki Craft, Derrick Jensen and Lierre Keith have collaborated on a music video warning of catastrophic climate change, the perils of arctic animals and calling on activists to discuss and seriously consider militant tactics and direct action in defense of all life on this planet.

http://minimumsecurity.net/blog/ - Stephanie McMillan's pre-post-industrial comic strip

http://www.scart69.net/themolotov/ - The Molotov: radical fusion rock (punk funk rap)

http://www.axisofjustice.org/ - Tom Morello's and Serj Tankian's project for social justice

http://www.johntrudell.com/ - John Trudell reminds us how to be human

http://myrapnameisalex.com/ - Alex Mead's funk-rap music and writing

http://www.lucidcommunication.com/photography/ - Jacob Sherer's photography and collage to knock your socks off

http://www.lizmariani.com/poetry.html - powerful poetry by Liz Mariani

http://www.dougcraftfineart.com/ - Doug Craft-visual artist

Writing and Activism:

http://www.derrickjensen.org/ - Derrick Jensen: grassroots activist and writer

http://www.amovingtrain.com/ - Maxwell Black's subversive words and images

http://www.urbanscout.org/ - Urban Scout: rewilding unschooler-hunter-gatherer-cultivator-filmmaker

http://lierrekeith.com/default.htm - Lierre's Keith's website-author of radical feminist fiction books: _Conditions of War_ and _Skylar Gabriel_

http://www.inthewake.org - Aric McBay's covers skills and discussion for dealing with (and encouraging) the coming industrial collapse. It also includes discussion and strategy for turning collapse into an opportunity to build healthy, fair, and ecological communities.

Journalism / Media Makers / Commentary & Writing / News:

http://submedia.tv/stimulator/ - be the media with Franklin Lopez

http://mobilebroadcastnews.com/ - online collective of media makers who travel the u.s. in a veggie-oil powered bus

http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/ - Lo's breaking daily news speaking truth to power

http://www.bestcyrano.org/THOMASPAINE/ - Jason Miller: dedicated to fostering socioeconomic justice and supporting the cause of all oppressed and exploited

http://carolynbaker.net/site/ - Carolyn Baker's daily news celebrating collapse of civlization


http://www.starhawk.org/ - Starhawk: author of "The Spiral Dance", "The Fifth Sacred Thing", and other books that link an earth-based spirituality to action to change the world.

http://www.freewayblogger.com/ - free speech: use it or lose it

http://www.seashepherd.org/ - Captain Paul Watson's mission of marine wildlife protection and conservation with an immediate goal of shutting down illegal whaling and sealing operations

http://www.rewilding.org/ - vision for the future of wild Nature and human civilization in North America

http://www.alleghenydefense.org/ - ... working for the protection of the natural heritage of the Alleghenies...The largest forest closest to Buffalo, NY

Links of gratitude:

* http://www.southbuffaloonline.com/ - South Buffalo Online
* http://www.jimbushphotography.com/ - Jim Bush Photography
* http://www.ultimaterestaurants.com/bacchus/ - Bacchus
* http://www.midcityoffice.com/ - MidCity Office Furniture
* http://www.timothylaneart.com/ - Timothy Lane Art
* http://www.othymes.com/ - online thymes, llc -- online marketing specialists
* http://www.kilissa.com/ - Kilissa Cissoko - Buffalo Singer-songwriter
* http://www.tiorundastories.com/ - John Marohn, Tiorunda Stories

* * *
listen: where IS the water?

~ http://www.spiritmorphstudio.com/ ~
Earthstream Creative Projects, Inc.

"the road i must travel, its end i cannot see" (tom morello)
"if miracles are needed, let them issue from our hands" (one people)

*superb online marketing consultation:  www.othymes.com 
*for a better day at the office:  www.midcityoffice.com

Image below: Treehouse '97

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©Earthstream Creative Projects, Inc, 2004 - 2011
Spiritmorph Studio and Radio Roxanne are divisions of Earthstream Creative Projects Inc.
All Photography of artwork by Jim Bush Photography, Inc. | powered by online thymes, llc.